Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Surround Yourself with Believers Part 2 of 2

Blog post two of the series, "Surround Yourself with Believers". You can read my first blog post in the series here

Our Life Mission

Our mission in life should be to discover our talents. Each of us have been given a unique set of talents and skills. Our personality combined with our talents make each of us unique. The combination makes each of us great. After we discover our talents we need to align them with our passions. Our talents aligned with our passions will guide our life, give us fulfillment, and help each of us live our life mission. 

The next important step—surround ourselves with believers. Those who know our skills, our talents, and who we will become if we are patient, work hard, and believe.

Henrik, You Got This

A prefect example of this occurred behind the scenes at the 2013 X Games in Aspen Colorado between Tanner Hall and Henrik Harlaut.

Let me set the stage. Henrik was in first place at X Game Big Air competition. As he walks up to do one of his final jumps he gets a pep talk from Tanner Hall. Tanner understands Henrik talents and skills. The result was powerful. 

Watch the clip to see how important it was for Henrik to surround himself with a believer—Tanner Hall. 

But I Can Win Without It.

To me one of the most game changing lines was when Henrik says, "yeah, but I can still win without doing it." Tanner's response,  "I know you can do this, you got this! Believe in yourself, believe in your skill. You know exactly what your are doing. Let's put it in the history books. Let's take skiing to the next level!" The right response from a believer.

The Power

As you watch the video, you can see the words start to have an impact on Henrik. He even smiles back at Tanner. As Henrik gets ready to take his run you hear Tanner say, "You got this son!" 

Henrik skis down and does the world's first ever Nose Butter Triple Cork 1620 and claims the gold medal. I watched this live on TV and it was incredible. To listen to the words of Tanner to Henrik minutes before the trick was inspirational.

The Key

In life each of us will have naysayers. There will be those who don't care to understand our skills, our potential,  or what we will become. Don't waste your time with them. Discover your talents, align them to your passions, and surround yourself with believers. We are all meant to do great things.   

"You got this son!"

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