Wednesday, January 13, 2010

3 Presentation Tips I Learned from Adam Sandler

In 2006, I had the opportunity to hang out with Adam Sandler at the corporate offices of Wal-Mart. I was there as a marketing/buyer intern for the summer and Adam Sandler was at Wal-Mart to promote his movie Click and to play in the Wal-Mart Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament. Adam Sandler is the most down to earth celebrity I have ever meet and knows how to present to an audience. I was lucky enough to witness the genius of Adam Sandler as he completely excited the Wal-Mart executives and employees following 3 simple presentation techniques.

3 Presentations Tips I Learned Hanging Out with Adam Sandler

Let Me Set the Stage

Adam Sandler, Peyton Manning, and others were introduced at the Wal-Mart company meeting. Each were asked one simple question. What is your most memorable moment? The mic was passed to Peyton Manning, he said, "Throwing my first touchdown in the NFL." The mic was passed to others and finally ended up in the hands of Adam Sandler. He said, "Every two weeks when I cash in my check and head to Wal-Mart." The audience begin clapping and cheering. The cheers went on for what seemed like a minute, Adam Sandler had stolen the show.

Adam Sandler followed three simple presentation tips:

1. Know your audience.

2. Deliver a targeted message that will resonate with your audience.

3. Be yourself, your presentation will feel more natural.

Adam Sandler just moments after stealing the show at the Wal-Mart Company Meeting

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