Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nike: Strong Brand + Strong Message = Strong Emotion

Nike's video called "Human Chain" is pure genius. As a marketer, I give it two thumbs up. Here are my four reasons:

1. Portrays Nike's Brand Power: The video conveys perfectly the Nike brand of dominance, precision, excellence, and winning.

2. Expands Target Audience: The video showcases a variety high-peformance athletes and sports around the world. It is easy to relate to the video.

3. Strong Message: The message, "Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up", resonates with people in sports and life.

4. Human Emotion: Once view this video, you feel like you can doing anything and you want to make sure you are wearing Nike to do it.

The song from this commercial is Ali in the Jungle by The Hours. Don't worry, I already bought it on iTunes and am headed to the GYM.

Lyrics from Song (Strong Message)

It is not how you start, it is how you finish.
It is not where you are from, it is where you are at
Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up

Two Thumbs Up Nike! Thanks Girard Hardy for great find!

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