Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Feedback - The Mechanism to Greatness™ Part 2 of 3

This is part two of "Feedback - The Mechanism to Greatness™". You can read part one here if you missed it.

Part Two - All Feedback is Good

All feedback is good. In life and business you usually receive two types of feedback, positive or negative. Negative feedback, which feels like you just lost a friend and positive feedback, which makes you feel great. So how can all feedback be good?

Abraham Maslow stated this regarding feedback. "It is a great sign of respect to me if someone feels I'm strong enough and capable enough and objective enough so that he can tell me when I've done something stupid. It's only those people who regard me as delicate, sensitive, weak, or fragile who will not dare to disagree with me."

Just like Maslow, we should not fear feedback, but fear its absence. For a second, think of feedback that has had the biggest impact on your life, feedback that made you think and strive to be better. The interesting thing is that the feedback you received was probably very direct and honest, it may have even hurt at first, but it made you push your limits to be better.

Remember not to give up when feedback is negative, learn to take it well and it will make you stronger. Feedback both positive and negative will have positive impacts on your life, if you remember this one truth stated by stated by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Feedback is the mechanism to greatness™.

Here are three ways feedback can have a positive impact on your life:

1. It will make you stronger if you learn to receive it well. With all feedback lies the seeds that bring forth great character and great results.

2. It will make you wiser if you learn from it. Feedback is the mechanism by which ordinary people become great.

3. It will make you a great leader. Great leaders know that direct and honest feedback from their peers is required to lead, motivate, and inspire. They create environments where feedback is part of their culture.

All feedback is good, learn to receive it well and you will have the respect of kings and it will be your most treasured gift. Feedback is the mechanism to greatness.

In my next blog post, I will discuss how constant feedback is king and how constant feedback will insure you hit your life and business targets.

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