Sunday, August 29, 2010

Feedback - The Mechanism to Greatness™ Part 3 of 3

This is the final blog post of the series entitled "Feedback - The Mechanism to Greatness™" You can read part one and part two below:

Part One - Create an Environment Where Feedback is Alive
Part Two - All Feed Back is Good

and now for the final post in the series:

Constant Feedback is King

During my blog post series on feedback, I have talked about how all feedback is good, I discussed the benefits of creating an environment where feedback is alive, and finally I will talk about how constant feedback is the mechanism to achieve greatness and hit your targets (goals).

Missile Analogy - Hit the Target with Precision

To really understand the importance of constant feedback, I would like to share an analogy of a missile. A missile's job in life is to deliver a highly explosive bomb to a precise location or target. To hit the target with exact precision a missile must receive constant feedback about terrain, wind, or other external elements from a variety of guidance systems or it could miss its target completely.

Like the missile, to hit your business and life targets (goals) with precision you must have processes and guidance systems in place that provide constant feedback. If feedback is not constant, there is a greater chance you will not receive enough information to make the necessary changes needed to hit your target.

3 Ways to Establish Constant Feedback.

Below are three ways to establish constant feedback in life and business:

1. Establish a clear vision of target: You need a clear vision of your target and the resources needed to hit the target with precision.

2. Have regular feedback sessions: Establish regular feedback sessions. Just like the missile and its guidance system, you must receive constant feedback in all forms to ensure you are on track to hit the target.

3. Involve Stakeholders: Stakeholders like coaches provide the necessary insight and guidance needed to ensure success.

As you establish processes by which constant feedback thrives, you will hit your life and business targets with enhanced precision. Remember this, never fear feedback, but fear its absence. As I look at successful people, I see that they use feedback as their greatest ally. Not only do they receive feedback, but they use it to become better. Feedback is the mechanism to greatness™.

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