Friday, July 1, 2011

Empower Your Audience, Nike "Chosen"

One of my favorite parts of marketing is when strategy meets creativity. When strategy and creativity meet it is powerful and awe inspiring. The key ingredient to this success starts with a clearly defined target audience. Once the audience is defined and the message put together, the magic happens.

Nike "CHOSEN" Campaign


A campaign I would like to highlight today on my blog is the Nike "Chosen" Campaign. I like this campaign because of its strong creative execution and how it involves the target audience. Nike is doing what I call the "Empower Your Brand Strategy". Here is the equation:

Brand + Target Audience + Viral Video Contest + Social Media + Best Athletes + Big Prize = Success

I really like the creativity, messaging, and execution of the "Chosen" microsite. The images and videos of the site portray the concept and creative idea of the "Chosen", with the best athletes from bmx, surfing, skating, snowboarding, and skiing all strutting their stuff in night shots that are inspiring.

Social Media Effect

With this campaign, Nike is inviting their target audience to participate in their brand through a video contest. What is great about the Nike video contest and video contests in general, is that they engage the target audience, encourage them to develop videos, and promote your brand through their videos to friends on Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. The outcome to this social effect is hundreds to thousands of video circulating all hyped around your brand and contest.

Prize Matters

Another important part of this strategy is the prize. The better the prize, the better the effort toward the contest. Nike is given away a nice prize which includes premium travel, exclusive events, and custom products.


To make sure that the contest really gets going, Nike highlights contestant video submissions in a section of the site called "Noticed!" Just imagine telling your friends that your video is on Nike's website.

To check out this marketing campaign in more detail visit Nike "Chosen" site here

I would like to hear about other strong marketing campaigns, what are your favorites?

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