Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why Responsive Web Design is the Future

3 Reasons Why Responsive Web Design is the Future

Let Me Set the Stage

Reason #1: Smartphone & Tablet Growth

The way the world consumes the web is changing. By the middle of next year, 50% of your potential customers will be consuming the web via their mobile devices and tablets. It will be vital that your website look good and perform well on all mobile devices and tablets.

This can be a pain. Enter responsive web design.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design is a web development technique and strategy that builds a single website the works on a computer, a tablet, and a smartphone.

Reason #2: Smartphones & Tablets Are Different

Every company has entered the smartphone and tablet space. Each of their devices are a different size. It might take you a little more time, cost, and resources to build a responsive website, but maintaining one site versus 6 to 8 versions will save you time and headache in the future.

You brand is every touch point. Building a responsive website will make your brand and content more accessible on whatever mobile device it's viewed. 

Reason #3: Customers Learn & Buy from Mobile Devices 

More and more research shows that your first brand touch points occur via mobile devices. There are also trends that show the increasing number of mobile users who spend time learning about your company from their mobile devices (smartphone or tablet)

Smartphones and Tablets are the future and responsive web design makes staying ahead of this trend easier in the long run.

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Kendall said...

Great article, we use a responsive layout at JobLark, but restricted it to just two different sizes so it'd be easier to develop ;)

Henry James said...

Totally agree with your post. RWD is definitely on the rise since people are using smartphones as times goes on and with an RWD, internet businesses will definitely get them.

Unknown said...

The responsive designs are going to be the next big thing as per the current usage of mobile phone and tablets for making internet searches. I came to know a lot about responsive designs in the context of future technologies. Thanks for sharing such an informative article.
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